Creative Ministry
Creative Ministries is such a unique venue to worship our Lord in ways many have never thought possible. Here at Rocky Hock, we strive to challenge everyone to get involved in serving God and finding out what talents He has called you to use. We have many ways to be involved in our Creative Ministry; including drama, acting, signing, interpretative movement, puppets, dowel rods, art, and blacklight.
We also invite our community to attend dinner theaters performed once a year with shows that teach life lessons from the Bible. Our kids and youth have also performed an entire service in blacklight incorporating all kinds of creative elements such as puppets, signing, painting, dowel rods and various other special effects using fabric and artwork.
What a joy it is to serve God through so many different genres of Worship. Creative Ministries is just another way to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in hope of reaching out to someone who may have never heard of Salvation and Grace offered through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.